Geek Hub 

For our creative team, every new job is an opportunity to bring together our skills and passions. So, when the Panama-based computer- and mobile-repairing company Geek Hub approached us to design their logo, we had to go to town on it. We are also big geeks when it comes to technology, so this logo was something that could truly represent us.

As the team set out to create the logo, we started by looking at the emotions those who would seek Geek Hub’s services would feel. The most obvious was shock, as we never really assume or prepare for the rainy day when technology breaks down and fails us. That was the reason behind the googly ‘shocked’ eyes in the logo, which were then framed by a thick border that reminds us of glasses – the traditional symbol of geekiness.

GeekHub, however, also has another very important job: that of keeping its clients connected, be it to the web or to their network. The logo also showcases this, with four eyes connected like a hub, with each pupil looking at its neighbour to signify connection.

All this is represented in orange on a purple background; colours which were chosen specifically to stand out against the hues normally associated with the industry (blue, red and green). This, in turn, gives Geek Hub an edge in a sea of computer- and mobile-repairing companies.
The accompanying advertisements, stationary, t-shirts and merchandise for Geek Hub are also based on this idea. Using the psychedelic 60s as inspiration (the time when computers began filtering into people’s awareness), the material used to promote Geek Hub sees models with funny-yet-worried expressions being reassured through one-liners that promise a quick and efficient service.
The Geek Hub campaign, in fact, is a great example of how various influences and expectations can be brought together in an unusual way to both promote a company and gain points with the clientele.

Winning Logo: Logolounge 11

Geek Hub

Geek Hub

Identity for the Panama-based computer- and mobile-repairing company Geek Hub.
